5 signs you might have a frozen shoulder.

by | Latest News, Shoulders, Upper Limb

Frozen shoulders are rated as one of the most painful conditions. Here are 5 signs you might have this condition and what helps.

A frozen shoulder is an inflammatory condition mainly affecting people between 40-60. It is easy to diagnose this condition by taking an accurate history and a physical examination.In can take up to 2 years to go away naturally but a cortisone steroid injection can cure this condition quickly. Here are 5 signs of a frozen shoulder. 

  1. Pain worse at night – as inflammation builds, pain can build when resting making nighttime not much fun.
  2. Having constant pain made worse with quick movements – reaching to catch an object for example can often bring the most stoic of people to tears. 
  3. Severe restriction in movement – what starts as pain only, develops to severe stiffness in the shoulder over a short period of time. Putting your hand behind your back, such as reaching to your back pocket or putting on a bra can become impossible. 
  4. Often the pain starts 1-2 days after some minor trauma or over-stretch. For example, feeling a small pull after reaching behind you in the car. 
  5. Having a frozen shoulder on the other side before – you are more likely to have the same condition on the other side if you have had one before. 

If you have these signs, then please feel free to make an enquiry via our website and visit our expert clinic in Chesterfield, Derbyshire.